Minutes of the Committee Meeting of the

Albrighton & District Civic Society

held on Monday 7th November 2022 at 2pm

at 32 High Street (PW’s house)

Present :        

Peter Woodman – Chairman

Rod Smith - Secretary

Mike Pitchford - Treasurer

Peter Illes

Gaynor Richards

Dave Slatcher

Phyl Woodman

David Beechey (ex-officio Donington-with-Boscobel PC)


1. Apologies  Patrick Richards and Roger Rudman


The committee welcomed our SC Cllr Nigel Lumby to the meeting.


2. Minutes of Meeting of 3rd October 2022 were approved.


3. Treasurer’s Report. MP reported the bank balance was £1856.69


4. To consider progress in regard to following main issues


a.  Letters to Millfield residents. It was decided that the letter will just ask if anyone would be interested in helping the Society and a meeting will be set up to provide information. The letter will be drafted later and delivered in January and a suitable note put in the parish magazine and on the village notice board.


SC Planning Application “Notifyee” status for all four parishes..

   RS reported that Susie Jones Professional Officer, Systems and Business Process

   of SC Planning Dept had been extremely helpful is getting us registered.

ACTION: PW will now also register on line for Applications in Boningale and Tong.


c. ADCS Annual Calendar Project. It was reported that the sales are going well and almost 2/3 have already been sold. PW will now check all the shops and will top up stocks if necessary. Some additional outlets will be asked if they can sell some – ACTION: PW, PI, GR


d  Land East of Shaw Lane and Boningale Homes Development. PW and RS reported on the meeting held on 25/11 when BH explained their phase 3 development proposal (behind the S end of Shaw Lane). The requirement in SAMDEV regarding a “through road” was raised. Such a through road is very undesirable and was objected to by many including ADCS and ADAG and was one of the reasons that the Jessup lost his appeal against the Refusal for his development. NL explained that the draft Local Plan would supersede the SAMDEV. Draft Local Plan had been circulated to all by RS and it states To enhance access to services and facilities in the town and achieve integrated communities, the development will include a northern and southern vehicular, cyclist and pedestrian connection into the saved SAMDev Allocation ALB002”

 NL suggested we wait until the Plan has passed through the next stage and see what if anything needs to be done then.

The way that drainage is to be dealt with was a concern as it was understood that it may pass into the sewer in Shaw Lane. ACTION: RS would ask Pete Collins if he had any information.


d. ex TSB Bank planning application. The committee supports the application on two conditions. The flat roof is not used by residents of the apartments as it would overlook the neighbouring garden (it is also likely that the roof is not designed for people to use it). Perhaps a barrier at the side of the stairs could be installed to prevent access.

It is thought that there would need to be three car parking places at the front of the building. The existing steps and ramp access would probably need to be re- modelled to allow three vehicle to park on the “bank land” without being parked on the village green. ACTION: PW to send in comment from ADCS to SC


5. Matters arising 

   a. Old TSB Bank building. MP reported that it did not sell at auction.


b. School Awards Scheme. PW confirmed that Birchfield School will participate and that  they have a new art teacher, Mr Chris Saunders. Theme for 2023 is “Albrighton & Donington Nature Reserve and its Animal and Bird life”.


6. Any Other Business

   a. FixMyStree.com. RS reported that NL had notified FixMyStreet and had got the squashed bollard at the Cross Rd/Albert Rd mini roundabout replaced.

RS had sent in two notifications, on behalf of the Society, for the depression of the road surface outside 56A Station Rd and also the tree root issue outside the estate agent. NL said that SC have agreed to solve the tree root problem and funds to do so are being organised and that all four trees will be replaced with a more suitable species.


b. Extravaganza. This year is Sat 26th November. It was agreed that the Society will have a stall and will seek helpers/volunteers for our work and will also sell the Calendars.

ACTION: PI will book our stall with Steph French. RS will make a poster to summarise then Civic Society work as an aid to attract helpers.


7. Next meeting:- 2pm on Monday 5th December  2022 at 31/32 High Street


Following Meeting will be at 2pm on Monday 9th January 2023.

(Please note that this is the second Monday in the month)       


Note for your next year’s Diary

Public Meeting & AGM is at 7.30pm on

Monday 10th October 2023

at the Red House        


All future AGMs are on the second Monday of October